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Sleep Is Sacred

Did you know that a lack of quality sleep can increase your risk for cancer? Sleep is an essential part of the human experience that rests and restores not only the mind but also the body. Once you enter into deep sleep, about a few hours in, your body turns into a repair shop. The inflammation, damage, and increased stress starts to improve. Your immune system goes to work repairing your cells and decreasing the stress hormone called cortisol. This is important to maintain the health of your body. Without this repair, damage can build up causing serious conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

So what does melatonin have to do with this? You may have heard you should take melatonin if you have trouble sleeping. The truth is that melatonin is actually a hormone that your body naturally produces as part of your sleep-wake cycle. When the sun begins to set, the lack of light actual signals to your body that it is time to rest. Cortisol levels dip and melatonin levels rise, making you feel sleepy. There are a lot of things that can affect your hormones and disrupt your sleep. Using fake lights-especially blue lighting-close to bedtime can actually lower your natural melatonin levels! Make sure that you have your phone screen set to night settings which are more red and orange as opposed to blue. Lower the brightness as much as possible and avoid using your phone or television 2 hours prior to bedtime. Also, make sure there are no lights in your bedroom including alarm lights. Cover any lights in your bedroom and close the curtains. Absolute darkness produces the healthiest sleep. Make sure your phone is on “Do Not Disturb,” turn your WiFi off and if your phone is in your room, turn it face down.

To people who fall asleep with the television: Please consider that you CAN change that habit. It may take a few days but it is worth it. Your brain needs to process all that YOU are experiencing. You are adding extra stress on your mind by also processing what the TV Is shouting. Additionally, marketing is using your powerful subconscious while you sleep to sell you things you do not need. Guard your mind by turning the TV off and stop giving them power to brainwash you. You will feel much more rested.

You can change your habits for the better.

Some other ways to practice good sleep hygiene include limiting your caffeine and alcohol intake. Each body is different so figure out what your personal cutoff for caffeine is. I cannot drink any - not even tea or soda - after 4pm. Your cutoff will depend on your bedtime and your caffeine tolerance. Try skipping all caffeine in the afternoon one day and see if you fall asleep faster. This goes for alcohol too. People often say that alcohol helps them sleep but the truth is that though it may relax the body, it actually disrupts the sleep cycle and results in sleep that is fragmented and less restorative. This means that stress hormones stay raised and guess what? The next day a drink is needed to relax the body again. The cycle self-perpetuates. Try a cup of lavender or chamomile tea instead and see how restful sleep can be.

If you find yourself getting up to pee too often, try to stay well hydrated during the day and limit fluids 2 hours before bed. It also helps to lay down for 20 minutes and then empty your bladder again before dozing off to sleep.

Sleep comfortable! Make sure your mattress is firm and your pillow is designed for your sleep position. Many patients with low back pain find slipping a board (easily found at any hardware store for under $50) under a flimsy mattress can make a world of difference! Studies suggest sleeping in cooler environments are more restorative also. However, if you have allergies, a fan can definitely make them worse.

Eating before bedtime still a no-no? Well, depends on whom you talk to. I do not believe in a “one size fits all” approach when it comes to the human body. Sleeping with a full stomach is not ideal so dinner should be at least a couple hours before you lay it down for the night. However, if you are having difficulty sleeping, sometimes a light snack of a carbohydrate and protein might do the trick. Take caution if you are prone to heartburn, however; try to stick with the 3-hour before bedtime rule.

Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time. By doing so, you are setting your body clock and going with your natural rhythm will be much easier than fighting it (shift workers will attest to this but that’s another discussion). Hitting the snooze button is a powerful message to your subconscious on how to do life. Focus on happy thoughts before bed and wake up and tell yourself good things (eventually you will believe it). The first and last thoughts before and after sleep have a profound effect on your life. If you wake up and say “I am tired”, your body will obey your command. Go to bed with prayers of gratitude and wake up the same and watch your life transform. Treat sleep as the sacred entity that it is and experience a new lease on life with better health, mood and energy!

If insomnia still bothers you after practicing these tips, here are some other natural remedies:

Guided imagery for sleep. My absolute favorite sleep meditation is “Floating Amongst the Stars” by Jason Stephenson (video below). Actually, I love any of his meditations. Just put it on and drift off to dreamland. Be sure that your browser is not set to autoplay though. You need silence the remainder of the night for best sleep.

If the meditation is not helping, you can try melatonin. It wears off in about 4 hours so it may not be the best choice. Definitely avoid the Advil and Tylenol pm for everyday use. Instead try blueberry terpenes CBD. It’s a gentle, relaxing oil with no drowsy feeling. Another wonderful supplement is DoTerra’s serenity. It’s great for anxiety or sleep and I find it’s stronger than CBD, more affordable and non-drowsy the following morning. CBD does have other health benefits along with enhancing sleep, if you can afford it. But it’s great to have options. If you find that you are constantly waking up throughout the night, ask your provider if you may need a sleep study. If you have sleep apnea, you CANNOT afford NOT to have one!

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