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Five Tips For Losing Weight

The number one problem I see in my patients is people struggling with their weight. Obesity is often the main underlying factor for many diseases including impotence, heart disease, and diabetes. Making even just a few changes can really impact your entire life- from your quality of sleep to even your sex life. With all the information out there, it can be difficult to maneuver through all the fads, diets, and ever changing science. There is no one size fits all for weight loss but here are a few simple steps that anyone can implement for results when starting their weight loss journey.

You have to eat fewer calories than you are probably eating now. I know it sounds simple enough but it is one of the main things that people struggle with. So, how do we accomplish this? Start by measuring and tracking your food. I know it can be tedious, but to be successful, you need to have to have a good perception of your intake. When I first started tracking my foods when I was struggling to lose weight, I realized that although I was eating mostly healthy foods, my calorie count was above what was needed for weight loss. I would eat my target calories by 4 PM and still be hungry. In other words, you can over eat healthy and clean foods too. Start tracking your calories temporarily just to open your eyes and see where you need to make changes.

Don’t drink your sugars. I cannot stress this enough; drinking a soda is like mainlining sugar. It raises your insulin level which prevents fat from breaking down. Cutting out sodas, juices, sugary coffees, and other high calorie drinks will have an immense impact on weight loss. So if you drink sugar, start there! Cut back on or completely cut out alcohol. Start drinking water! You will see results almost immediately!

Move more! If you are overweight your daily physical activity is not enough for weight loss! You’ve got to rev up your metabolism with exercise. Even if you’re super active, your body is accustomed to doing the same activities day in and day out so your current activity level won’t help you lose weight. Even seven minutes of high intensity exercise everyday can be helpful. Find something that you like to do and get out there and do it!

Stress less! Stress raises your cortisol levels and contributes to insulin resistance and cravings!!! Eliminate stressors that you can control and rely on self care and healthy coping skills (ahem did someone say exercise?) to reduce stress levels. It is also really important to get enough sleep and put aside time to just chill. Believe me, your body will thank you for it.

Have a game plan. It’s true what they say, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail and that is especially true with weight loss. How many times have you gone too long without eating and reached for the quickest, most unhealthy thing you can find?That’s because your body is smart. When your blood sugar starts to dip, it knows that if it sends you cravings to eat carbohydrates, it can turn it into energy faster than any other type of food. So be prepared. Prep your meals and take a protein bar with you when you run errands . Pack healthy snacks and don’t be caught too hungry. Meal prepping can be as easy as throwing veggies and chicken in the oven and packing them for the week. So, think ahead when it comes to food. This will go a long way for weight loss.

Weight loss can be frustrating when we work hard for weeks and do not see the results we want. Keep going. Inches are lost before pounds so do not let the scale discourage you. If you continue to work hard but do not see some results after several months, your hormones may have something to do with it. See your provider for a check up and have some blood work done. At MediVita Health we test for insulin resistance- a major obstacle for weight loss- and we can help get your body on track for weight loss. Call 361-462-8080 to make an appointment with one of our MediVita providers and start seeing the results you have been working for!

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